jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Daughter of a King

This is turning out to be a "Spanglish" blog. Now you are getting a little taste of what goes inside my head sometimes. It's craziness!! Anyway, lately I have been thinking about our purpose on earth and who we truly are. When was the last time you took the time to ponder about that and what you can become? Where you're at, where you've been and where you're going? Don't get stuck in the past because it really isn't about who you were but what you can become. I have to confess that I think about that sometimes with fear that I have to always be the same person that messed up once. That's false! It's never to late to change and realize our potential in life. Fear can be immediately quenched by a spiritual confirmation that the atonement of Jesus Christ always looks forward. Never looks back. A reassurance that who we were does not define who we can be. That's not part of the plan. We truly are sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. My post today is dedicated to us girls, daughters, sisters, women, mothers at the reach of this screen. Did you know that we are princesses?! We are daughters of a king. I'm a princess and as such I know that it doesn't matter how the world defines me and let alone the mistakes I make everyday. Why is this important to me?! Because if we remember to see ourselves as our Maker sees us then everything changes. Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your lives. !! Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve as the daughter of a King. He loves you.

2 comentarios:

  1. You are amazing!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts/testimony in ENGLISH!!!! I love it...I love you! You are an angel in MY life, and someday I'll write down my side of the story for you. : ) Keep up the good work, Hermana!

  2. Hola Hermana! Me gusta mucho su blog..bien hecho. Soy parte de la Mision del Centro de Referencias. Tomamos todos los chats que vienen a mormon.org. Siempre hay personas de Mexico, Sur America, etc.. que entran para aprender mas de la iglesia. Creo que voy a darles su blog para que puedan leer sus entradas. La mayoria de los que vienen son mujeres y usualmente, estan interesadas. Aqui esta mi blog y tal vez, puede mirarlo. Que Dios le bendiga! Chao http://www.elderrsthompson.blogspot.com/
