martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

HAVE YOU EVER FELT SMALL or just not suit for the job? How often do you complain about what you call your "flaws"?

I was reading a magazine last week, while I waited for my missionary companion/best friend Sister Brent (<-- click) at the Chiropractor, about all these different girls from all over the place that lived their lives embarrassed of little things they thought were wrong with them. For instance, there was one girl who grew up ashamed of her beautiful freckles all over her face and body. One day she realized that those freckles were not a flaw but part of her beauty. What she thought was her "weakness" turned out to be her signature.    
Nevertheless, what I want to share with you today goes beyond the reach of our mortal eyes. Put on your spiritual glasses and let God make you strong in every way. Sometimes we wonder why we have to worry about all these imperfections of ours or why we even have them to begin with. On the other hand some people are convinced that they aren't found with any. (Let's not worry about them right now!)
It's actually pretty simple. All over the scriptures we learn that God created us with faults and that earth is a testing period. We have all these weaknesses so that we can be humble. (Read about this!) Why on earth would a loving Heavenly Father want us to be humble? Because when we are humble then we recognize that we need help. More often than not, people in humble circumstances turn to God for guidance and direction. Let me illustrate this more, picture a loving father who desires his children to seek him out for help because he has been there and has the experience they need. Likewise, Our Maker is waiting with wide open arms to help us and makes us strong in any situation we may be facing in our life.
I thought this picture would illustrate the point in a somewhat humorous way. By the way, if you don't think it's funny you may blame it on the Latin sense of humor. My baby sister, Ailin Webster, is in this picture with me and if you can't recognize us just look for the two smallest girls. I bet now you found us! I absolutely loved gymnastics and so did my little sister, but we were just tiny growing up. (Still are!) Nevertheless, our "weakness" was made strong as we trusted in God by not giving up and still performed beautiful gymnastics.

God will perform miracles in your life if you let Him.

3 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for that awesome reminder! You girls are so cute. I'm guessing, by looking at the other girls in the picture, your feet were supposed to be turned in towards each other...Were you pretending to be ducks or something??!! ;)

    Love you! You're doing an amazing job, Sister.

  2. Thanks for posting. I really enjoy reading your posts. They have a deep message. This reminds me of Enoch when God calls him. Then Enoch wonders why he was called. Then his faith was so great that mountains moved, and rivers changed their course (favorite story :).

  3. Hola hermosa! Lindo mensaje! Comica foto!
    Sgui siempre adelante fuerte y inspirando!
    Te amo
